
16 MIPS, 16KB Flash, 1KB RAM, EEPROM, 44 pins, XLP, 3 & 5V options, DAC, OpAmp, CLC



Low cost PIC24F Microcontroller family featuring nanoWatt eXtreme low power, integrated analog functions such as 12-bit ADC, 8-bit DAC and Op Amps in low pin count options. The devices also offer flexible Capture/Compare/PWM modules, Configurable Logic Cell and options for both 3V and 5V applications. PIC24FV products support 2.0V-5.5V operation while the PIC24F products support 1.8V-3.6V operation.

Typical nanoWatt XLP specifications include:

  25nA Sleep mode

  700nA Real Time Clock & Calendar operation in Sleep modes

  500nA Watch Dog Timer operation in Sleep modes

  512 Bytes of Data EEPROM

Other Low Power Specifications include:

  Ultra Low-Power wake-up from Sleep

  Power Modes: Run, Doze, Idle, Sleep, Low-Voltage Sleep

  System Supervisors: Low Power BOR, WDT, INT0 and RTCC

  Internal oscillator support - 31 kHz to 8 MHz, up to 32 MHz with 4X PLL

  Fail-Safe Clock Monitor – allows safe shutdown if clock fails

Operating Voltage:

  1.8V to 3.6V (PIC24F)

  2.0V to 5.5V (PIC24FV)


  Up to 16 MIPS performance

  Single Cycle Instruction Execution

  16 x 16 Hardware Multiply, & 32-bit x 16-bit Hardware Divider

  C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set System

Advanced Analog Features:

  10/12-bit Differential ADC, Up to 22 channels, 100k samples per second at 12-bit conversion rate, threshold detect and dedicated band gap reference

  Up to two 8-bit DACs

  Up to 2 Op Amps with two modes of operation : Op Amp or Comparator

  Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) enabling 22 channels of Capacitive Touch, time measurement down to 200 ps

  Up to Three Analog rail-to-rail comparators

Timers/Output Compare/Input Capture:

  Up to 3 MCCP and 2 SCCP modules

   MCCP (Multiple-output Capture Compare PWM Module) and SCCP (Single-output Capture Compare PWM Module) combine Timer, Input Capture, Output Compare/PWM in a single timebase

  Each SCCP has a single output and each MCCP has 2,4 or 6 outputs

  MCCP features output steering, hardware scan, complementary output with dead time, push-pull output, bidirectional brush DC motor control

  Each MCCP/SCCP includes 2 x 16-bit timers or 1x 32-bit timer


   Up to 11x 16-bit timers including MCCP and SCCP timers

  Can pair up to make a total of 5 x 32-bit timers

Communication Interfaces:

  2 UART Modules with LIN and IrDA support, 4 Deep FIFO

  2 SPI Modules with 8 Deep FIFO

  2 I2C™ Modules with Master and Slave Modes

Other Peripherals:

   2 Configurable Logic Cells (CLC)

  User configurable real time logic control

   Hardware Real Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC)


