
16 MIPS, 16KB Flash, 1.5KB RAM, EEPROM, 28 pins, XLP



PIC24 16-bit Microcontroller featuring nanoWatt XLP for eXtreme Low Power consumption. Designed for power constrained and battery powered applications. Features unique peripherals like DSBOR, DSWDT and RTCC which run in Deep Sleep mode for industry leading low power performance.

Featuring nanoWatt XLP Technology ideal for battery applicationsTypical nanoWatt XLP specifications include:

  20nA Deep Sleep mode (Watch Webinar)

  25nA Sleep mode (RAM retention)

  500nA Real Time Clock & Calendar operation in Sleep modes

  400nA Watch Dog Timer operation in Sleep modes

  512 Bytes of Data EEPROM

Other Low Power Specifications include:

  5uS wake-up from Sleep

  50nA I/O port leakage

  195uA at 1MHz Run mode

  Power Modes: Run, Doze, Idle, Sleep, Deep Sleep

  System Supervisors: Low Power BOR, WDT, INT0 and RTCC

  Internal oscillator support - 31 kHz to 8 MHz, up to 32 MHz with 4X PLL

  Fail-Safe Clock Monitor – allows safe shutdown if clock fails


  Up to 16 MIPS performance

  Single Cycle Instruction Execution

  16 x 16 Hardware Multiply, & 32-bit x 16-bit Hardware Divider

  C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set System


  10-bit Differential ADC, 9 channels, 500k samples per second, 16-deep result buffer

  Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) enabling 9 channels of Capacitive Touch

  Two Analog rail-to-rail comparators Peripherals

  2 UART Modules with LIN and IrDA support, 4 Deep FIFO

  SPI Modules with 8 Deep FIFO

   I2C™ Modules with Master and Slave Modes

  Hardware RTCC, Real-Time Clock Calendar with Alarms


