Single-channel, 6-BIT voltage output DAC with command code and I2C interface. AEC-Q100 qualified.





MCP47DA1 is a volatile, 6-Bit digital Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) with a windowed output for server voltage margining applications. The MCP47DA1 has a windowed output (1/3 to 2/3 of VREF). The DAC setting is controlled through an I2C™Compatible serial interface. The I2C™Compatible slave addresses of “010 1110” and “011 1110” are supported.

  6-Bit DAC - 65 Taps: 64 Resistors with Taps to Full-Scale and Zero-Scale (Wiper Code 00h to 40h)

  7-bit Serial Data (00h to 7Fh, 00h - 20h = Zero-Scale and 60h - 7Fh = Full-Scale)

  VREF Pull-down Resistance: 30 k? (typical)

  VOUT Voltage Range

  1/3 * VREF to 2/3 * VREF

  I2C™ Protocol - Supports SMBus 2.0 Write Byte/Word Protocol Formats - Supports SMBus 2.0 Read Byte/Word Protocol Formats - Slave Addresses: 5Ch and 7Ch

  Brown-out Reset Protection (1.5V typical)

  Power-on Default Wiper Setting (Mid-scale)

  Low-Power Operation: 90 µA Static Current (typical)

  Wide Operating Voltage Range: 1.8V to 5.5V (Analog characteristics only tested from 2.7V to 5.5V)

  Low Tempco: 15 ppm (typical)

  100 kHz (typical) Bandwidth (-3 dB) Operation

  Extended Temperature Range (-40°C to +125°C)

  Small Packages:SOT-23-6, SC70-6

  AEC-Q100 Grade 1 quarlified


