
Offline Inductor Based Single Lamp EL Driver



HV809 is an off-line, high voltage, EL lamp driver integrated circuit designed for driving EL lamps of up to 350nF at 400Hz. The input supply voltage can be a rectified nominal 120V AC source or any other DC source up to 200V. The HV809 will supply the EL lamp with an AC square wave with a peak-to-peak voltage of two times the input DC voltage.The HV809 has two internal oscillators, a low voltage output linear regulator, and a high voltage output H-bridge. The high voltage output H-bridge frequency is set by an external resistor connected between the REL-Osc and GND pins. The EL lamp is connected between pins VA and VB. For the HV809 in the 8-pin package, an external RC network can be connected between the oscillator’s Osc1 and Osc2 pins to pulse the EL lamp on and off.For detailed circuit and application information please refer to Application Note AN-H36.

  Processed with HVCMOS®technology

  Input voltage up to 200V DC

  400V peak-to-peak output voltage

  Output load up to 350nF (100in2 for 3.5nF/in2 lamp)

  Adjustable output lamp frequency

  Adjustable on/off pulsing frequency


