Offline Quasi-Resonant PWM Controller





The FAN604H is an advanced PWM controller aimed at achieving power density of ≥10W/in3 in universal input range AC/DC flyback isolated power supplies. It incorporates Quasi-Resonant (QR) control with proprietary Valley Switching with a limited frequency variation. QR switching provides high efficiency by reducing switching losses while Valley Switching with a limited frequency variation bounds the frequency band to overcome the inherent limitation of QR switching. FAN604H features mWSaver® burst mode operation with extremely low operating current (300 μA) and significantly reduces standby power consumption to meet the most stringent efficiency regulations such as Energy Star’s 5-Star Level and CoC Tier II specifications.FAN604H includes several user configurable features aimed at optimizing efficiency, EMI and protections. FAN604H has a wide blanking frequency range that improves light load efficiency and eliminating audio noise for adaptive application. It incorporates user-configurable constant current reference, which allows controlling the maximum output current from primary-side, thereby optimizing transformer design to improve the overall efficiency. It also includes several rich programmable protection features such as over-voltage protection (OVP), precise constant output current regulation (CC).
  • Quasi-Resonant Switching Operation with Wide Blanking Time Range
  • Constant Current Reference (CCR) to Limit the Maximum output Current
  • mWSaver® Technology for Ultra Low Standby Power Consumption (
  • Programmable Over-Temperature-Protection through External NTC Resistor
  • Built-In and User Configurable Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), Under-Voltage, Protection (UVP) and Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
  • Forced and Inherent Frequency Modulation of Valley Switching for Low EMI Emissions and Common Mode Noise


