
EMC1187 a 3 channel temperature sensor 1.8V logic compatible with 1C accuracy, alert, shutdown, automatic diode detect



The EMC1187 is a high accuracy, low cost, I2C/SMBus three channel temperature sensor with a hardware defined shutdown. Advanced features such as Resistance Error Correction (REC), Beta Compensation (to support CPU diodes requiring the BJT/transistor model) and automatic diode type detection combine to provide a robust solution for complex environmental monitoring applications.

The EMC1187 monitors three temperature channels (two external and one internal). It provides ±1°C accuracy for both external and internal diode temperatures.  Frequency hopping and analog filtering ensure remote diode traces can be as far as 8 inches without degrading the signal.

  Compatible with 1.8V logic

  Support for diodes requiring the BJT/transistor model

  supports 65nm and lower geometry CPU thermal diodes

  Automatically determines external diode type and optimal settings

  Resistance Error Correction

  Frequency hops the remote sample frequency to rejectDC converter and other coherent noise sources

  Two External Temperature Monitors

  ±0.25 typ, ±1°C max accuracy (20°C < TDIODE < 110°C)

  0.125°C resolution

  Supports up to 2.2nF diode filter capacitor

  Internal Temperature Monitor

  ±0.25 typ, ±1°C max accuracy

  0.125°C resolution

  Programmable temperature limits for ALERT#

  Hardware settable system shutdown (SYS_SHDN#) 77°C-112°C

  Programmable and fixed address options

  3.3V supply voltage

  Available in small 10-pin 3mm x 3mm DFN lead-free RoHS compliant package


  Notebook Computers



  Embedded applications

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